

今日のレッスンで、年末年始のAllout Challengeを英語でまとめる宿題がEdit4でようやく終了しました。とてもゆっくりですけども、少しずつ英語の力が付いてきたかな?

We had a tennis camp from 23rdDecember 2009 until 5th January 2010 at Kiartithanee country club at Banna in BKK, Thailand.We organaize this kind of camp at this time every year. This camp was the fifth camp.
I have been a tennis coach at every camp and have had a wonderful time every year including this camp.

I have taught logical communication classes for two years. Students learned how to think and speak logically. I taught skills to help when they don’t know things and how we explain clearly and simply.
I gave them a challenge of how to explain to a foreigner the stages to make rolled rice. The reason for this was to look at something as a whole as well as the parts.
I spent a lot of time learning logical thinking to teach students because I had never learned this kind of subject. I was very tired but at the same time I wanted to teach it again.
Fortunately, students called me “Logical master”.

On the tennis court, students practiced from dawn till dusk for two weeks. They sweated all over and got a tan.
For the first three days, they spent a great deal of time learning basic skills and after that we made time for understanding tactics and shot selection. My boss explained each shot with a video which was amazing. He has made a skills and strategy video for five years which has become logical and understandable.
I really recommend tennis players to watch the video because they can learn the latest skills and strategy.
Students improved their tennis skills and thinking remarkably.
The amount of tennis theory learned during the camp was very substantial.
Students must have felt that the time passed very quickly. I really hope so!

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